The Power of Compounding- Paper folding

By Saket Kumar, ETF Junction
Monday, August 21, 2023

In the world of finance, there is a phenomenon that is often referred to as the "Eighth Wonder of the World" - the power of compounding. This remarkable concept has the ability to turn small investments into significant wealth over time. To understand its magic, let's draw inspiration from a simple yet fascinating real-life example: the paper folding challenge and how it correlates with wealth creation.

The Paper Folding Challenge:

Imagine attending a lively party where the entertainment involves a fun game of "paper dancing." The challenge is to fold a standard piece of paper repeatedly, doubling its thickness each time. At first glance, it seems like a trivial task, but as we'll see, it beautifully demonstrates the incredible power of compounding.

Starting with a paper thickness of 0.01cm, let's see how the folds amplify its thickness:

1st Fold: 0.01 cm 2nd Fold: 0.02 cm 3rd Fold: 0.04 cm 4th Fold: 0.08 cm

The thickness keeps doubling with each fold, and as we continue, the numbers become more intriguing:

10th Fold: 5.12 cm

20th Fold: 5,242.88 cm (52.43 meters)

30th Fold: 5,368,709.12 cm (53.69 kilometers)

40th Fold: 5,495,998,904.32 cm (5,495.99 kilometers)

45th Fold: 5,627,306,697,881.60 cm (3,75,366 kilometers, approximately the distance between Earth and the Moon)

The Power of Compounding in Wealth Creation: Just like the paper folding challenge, the power of compounding plays a vital role in wealth creation. At its core, compounding refers to earning returns not just on your initial investment but also on the returns generated in previous periods. Over time, this compounding effect can snowball, turning a modest investment into substantial wealth.

Here's how compounding works in the context of wealth creation:
  • Start Early: The key to maximizing the power of compounding is to start investing early. The longer your money stays invested, the more time it has to grow exponentially.
  • Consistent Contributions: Regularly adding to your investment portfolio allows you to benefit from compounding on both your principal and the additional contributions.
  • Reinvesting Profits: Instead of withdrawing your investment gains, consider reinvesting them. This enables your money to work harder for you, accelerating the growth process.
  • The Rule of 72: To estimate how long it takes for an investment to double, divide 72 by the annual rate of return. For example, with an annual return of 8%, your investment would double approximately every 9 years (72/8).
  • Patience and Long-Term Perspective: Compounding is not a get-rich-quick scheme; it requires patience and a long-term perspective. Stay focused on your financial goals and resist the urge to make impulsive decisions.


The paper folding challenge serves as a vivid analogy to illustrate the astonishing power of compounding, both in folding a simple sheet of paper and in creating substantial wealth. Just as the paper's thickness grows exponentially with each fold, your wealth can also grow significantly over time through the power of compounding.

Remember, the key to harnessing this power is to start early, be consistent in your investments, reinvest your profits, and maintain a patient, long-term approach. Embrace the Eighth Wonder of the World, and let the magic of compounding work in your favor, leading you toward a prosperous and financially secure future.

Disclaimer: Investing in the Fund involves risk, including the potential loss of the principal amount invested. The value of investments may go up or down and past performance is not indicative of future results.

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